I need a website, but …..

Domain names?


Secure Website?




The internet is the single largest source of information anywhere in the world, but this information is compiled from millions of different sources, on thousands of different platforms, in hundreds of different languages, and accessible through only a few dozen browsers. It is a perpetually changing, complex matrix, of interconnected hardware and software components and making sure that your business information doesn’t get lost in this complex system requires technical knowledge and oversight.

There are programs that promise you a new website in a matter of minutes. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is too good to be true. A well-designed, custom website takes time to create. A site with full security features, custom content, that is optimized for key word searches, that incorporates all the appropriate SEO (search engine optimization) protocols, that loads quickly, with no broken links, and has complete functionality 24/7 simply is NOT achievable in a few minutes.

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You can’t just whistle a happy tune to develop a professional website

It requires technical expertise provided by someone who is committed to staying current on changes and developments in the complex systems of the internet, and who has sophisticated design tools, training, and knowledge. Web design has a steep learning curve, and it requires specialized software and design tools, plus competency in graphic design and writing. Even if you master all of these skills, you still need technical proficiency in hosting, email protocols, alt tags, meta descriptions, and all the components of SEO (search engine optimization).

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Domain Names

Your domain name is your cyberspace business identity much like your business name is your corporate identity. Ideally these two names should be the same, but if that’s not possible then your domain name should at least be memorable, short, easy to verbalize, and easy to spell. Google, Bing, GoDaddy, and MailChimp, are a few names with which you may be familiar but of course those are taken, so you’ll need to think of your own name. Once you have some names in mind for your business website, we can help you secure one that meets your particular need and then we’ll help you keep track of the renewal dates, so you never lose it. Finally, if you want to use branded email’s like bob@bestbusiness.com we can help you set that up, as well.

man with hands on head standing in front of computer room

What is Web Hosting?

Your website is simply an electronic file with a fixed electronic address much like your home address is a permanent and unique identifier of your home’s physical location. Your unique files must be uploaded to a server that is operational 24/7. In reality a server isn’t one computer. It’s a network of computers stretched across multiple geographic locations to provide security and redundancy. After your files are uploaded, they are assigned a fixed address by the host. Once your electronic address is recorded your website is (hosted) and available to anyone using the internet. To ensure that your website is always functioning correctly we routinely monitor it and make any necessary adjustments, as part of our hosting service.

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What is a “secure website” and why is it important?

Website security provides a safe and private interaction between an internet user and a website. Search engines, like Google and Bing, now favor secure websites even if no business is transacted through the website. The search engines’ ranking algorithms currently rank websites with security higher in search queries than sites without security, so if you and your competition have similar sites, but yours is secure and theirs is not, your site will receive the higher ranking. You can tell if a site is secure by the first few characters in its name, http: vs https: the (s) stands for secure. Also, sites that are secure usually display a small padlock symbol in front of the company name in the URL line, and sites that are not secure now clearly say “Not Secure” in front of the company name.

Site security is provided through a security certificate (SSL), which we purchase, integrate, renew, and maintain for all sites that we host.

Internet research consistently shows that 70% of all web searches originate on mobile devices. Be sure your website is mobile compatible!


directional sign pointing to advice, tips, support
  • You get a trusted business partner and an advocate

  • A partner that is invested in your success

  • One that uses all white-hat techniques to improve your SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

  • A partner with over 30 years of their own business experience

  • A marketing advocate who is certified in on-line and email marketing

  • A design team with decades of experience

  • A technician who will create, secure, and store your valuable electronic assets

  • An advocate who keeps track of your deadlines and renewal dates

  • A partner who answers their phone, and who will answer your questions

  • A team of professionals who will build your website and help you build your business
